Some Porsche Technicians Porsche Technicians Group
150 Members with 5464 years combined experience
Status: Operational

Joining Instructions

Submitted by Dan Leitner on Sun, 22 Nov 2020 09:00:43 -0800

Instructions for Joining Porsche Technicians Group.

The Group is restricted to Professional Porsche Technicians who work for
dealerships, or independents. Please do not attempt to join unless you are a
Professional Porsche Technician.

The process to join has caused a lot of confusion for some, so we will try to
explain it in detail. The fact that it is so complicated, and can be done
a few different ways does not help. Because of this not every scenario is
covered. If you experience problems in the process, review the steps here,
and check the section labeled "Common Problems" for more clues.
If you have already tried to join, you should check the status of your application.
Use the Application Status form to monitor your application.
Joining Flowchart
CONTENTS -------- These instructions includes the following information: 1. Joining Overview ( Phases explained ) 2. The Phases A. APPLICATION PHASE B. GROUPS.IO JOIN PHASE C. Acceptance phase 3. Common Problems ( FAQ ) 1. Joining Overview ------------------------ The process of joining can be broken into 3 separate phases. A. APPLICATION PHASE B. GROUPS.IO JOIN PHASE C. Acceptance phase The APPLICATION and GROUPS.IO JOIN phases are independent of each other and either can be done first. The final Acceptance phase is only done when the first two are completed, and we do that for you. 2. The Phases ------------------------ A. APPLICATION PHASE ------------------------ 1. (submit Application form) Fill out the application as instructed on line here. Select a subscription option in the online application form. 2. Authenticate your email address. Follow the instructions in the Email Authentication form. B. GROUPS.IO JOIN PHASE ------------------------ EASY METHOD This method is not the best method but is easy. It is very simple and does not require a GROUPS.IO ID. It does not offer as many features but those can be corrected later. Just send an email subscription request to "PorscheTechnicians" mailing list. To do this, send a blank email message to GROUPS.IO will respond by send you a "Application Notice". The notice will include the minimum requirements to join, an example exception to the requirements, and a link to where the application can be submitted are included. Only one application needs to be submitted, so this can be ignored if you have already submitted one from the online form. BEST METHOD The GROUPS.IO page for the group is the best way to join but can cause confusion for some. From there use the button labeled "Apply For Membership In this Group", and follow the instructions you are given. GROUPS.IO will require you to create a GROUPS.IO account if do not have one. This process will include filling out forms with some limited personal information, and providing an email address. GROUPS.IO will then send you an email to confirm the address is valid. The email validation process is a bit odd, and care should be taken to ensure it works correctly. Most people have a problem here so pay attention to detail. If this email address is not the same as that used on the application, then both the application and join will be denied. C. Acceptance phase ------------------------ Wait for a confirmation of the GROUPS.IO 'Join this Group' and application. When accepted, you will receive a message from GROUPS.IO and a welcome message from us. If your application is denied you will receive a notice from GROUPS.IO If you failed to perform the GROUPS.IO subscription/join request step you will not receive a notice. If you have already tried to join, you should check the status of your application. Use the Application Status form to monitor your application.
3. Common Problems (FAQ) ------------------------ If you have already tried to join, you should check the status of your application. Use the Application Status form to monitor your application.
Q: I have filled out the online Application and have not heard any response from anyone about the Application. A: If you chose the registration choice "I will register with GROUPS.IO myself, and submit a "subscribe/Join" command myself", then we may be waiting for you to send the subscribe command. Also you should remember the application warned that the subscribe requests email must match the applications email address exactly. See Phase B above. Q: I have registered with GROUPS.IO but the 'Join This Group' request(s) seem to be ignored. Why? A: Check your GROUPS.IO groups page at "" to see what the problem is. Watch for a message like "Your Membership has not been confirmed". Follow the instruction on the GROUPS.IO web site as what to do. Q: I don't know what my GROUPS.IO password is. How can I find out what my password is? A: Use the Forgot Password Link on the Login page for GROUPS.IO website. Follow the instructions there. Q: GROUPS.IO shows me as a confirmed member, but the "Your Groups" page doesn't include PorscheTechnicians. Why? A: Phase B does not appear to have worked. Try Phase B again. Q: GROUPS.IO shows me as a confirmed member, and the "Your Groups" page shows I am subscribed to PorscheTechnicians Group, but says not yet approved. Why? A: We have not received and accepted your application. Maybe you did not submit it, or maybe we need more time. Allow at least a few days for us to review, accept or deny the application. Also you should remember the application warned that the subscribe requests email must match the applications email address exactly. Q. I think I am subscribed, but I do not seem to be getting any messages any more. A. The mailing list is not always very active. Confirm you are subscribed in normal mode by sending a blank message to If that does not help then contact me at

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